AI4AFS Dataset Upload

The Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture and Food Systems Innovation Research Network (AI4AFS-IRN) supports the generation of agricultural datasets to build Africa’s capacity to develop, deploy, and scale responsible artificial intelligence. Responsible AI in agriculture and food systems is the emerging pathway to leapfrog agriculture and food production in Africa given the current adverse effects of climate change and its associated risks. To build the resilience of farmers and stakeholders in the agricultural sector, ATPS and its partners, Kumasi Hive and icipe, with African researchers and innovators, are building an open access database to respond to the need to support Africa’s AI development in the Agriculture and Food Systems Sector.

The data collected across three sub-regions in Africa, namely West, Southern, and East Africa will assist in removing the bias of using data from different ecological zones that are not associated with Africa. These datasets are a major outcome of the AI4AFS Hub which is part of the AI4D Africa initiative sponsored by IDRC and Sida.

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